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Abralia grimpei Voss 1958

Kotaro Tsuchiya
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Containing group: Abralia


A. grimpei is a small-sized species attaining 25mm DML. It is easily recognized by the small number of club hooks, more than five silvery eye photophores, and the arrangement of integument photophores on the ventral mantle.


  1. Tentacle clubs
    1. Two hooks on ventral side.
    2. Two rows of large suckers on dorsal side of manus.
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    Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

    Figure. Oral view of the tentacular club of A. grimpei, 27 mm ML,  holotype, female. Drawing from Voss (1958, p. 377, Fig. 3d).

  2. Hectocotylus
    1. Right ventral arm of male hectocotylized.
    2. Hectocotylus with two different sized flaps.
    3. Large proximal flap bilobed.
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    Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

    Figure. Oral-dorsal view of the hectocotylus of A. grimpei. Drawing from Tsuchiya (2000).

  3. Eye Photophores
    1. Five major silvery organs with some additional small organs.
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    Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

    Figure. Ventral view of the ocular photophores of A. grimpei, 27 mm ML,  holotype, female. Drawing from Voss (1958, p. 377, Fig. 3g).

  4. Integumental Photophores
    1. Ventral mantle with scattered arrangement of integumental organs except for three, narrow, longitudinal photophore-less strips.
    2. Ventral head with scattered arrangemeant of integumental organs.

  5. Epidermis
    1. Thick, fragile, and gelatinous.


This species resembles A. redfieldi, A. similis and A. omiae in the features of the tentacle club, hectocotylus, and gelatinous epidermis but is different in having the additional small photophores on the eye.


Geographical distribution

This species was originally described from 26° 25'N, 79° 45'W, in the West Indies, North Atlantic. Information on the distribution of this species is scarse. This species was also recorded from northern Sargasso Sea (Dawe and Stephen, 1988).


Dawe, E.G. and Stephen, S.J. 1988. The cephalopod assemblage of the Gulf Stream system east of 60 W. Malacologia, 29(1): 235-245.

Voss, GL 1958. The cephalopods collected by the R/V Atlantis during the West Indian cruise of 1954. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Carib., 8: 369-389.

Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Scientific Name Abralia grimpei
Location West Indies
Comments At left is enlarged ventral view of the funnel.
Reference Voss, GL 1958. The cephalopods collected by the R/V Atlantis during the West Indian cruise of 1954. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Carib., 8: 369-389.
Acknowledgements Drawings from Voss (1958, p. 376, Figs. a-c) printed with the Permission of the Bulletin of Marine Science.
Sex Female
View Ventral, dorsal
Size 27 mm ML
Collection Museum of Comparative Zoology
Type Holotype
Copyright © 1958 Bulletin of Marine Science
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Kotaro Tsuchiya
Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan

All Rights Reserved.

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Tsuchiya, Kotaro. 2009. Abralia grimpei Voss 1958. Version 26 July 2009 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Abralia_grimpei/19659/2009.07.26 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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