Clinidium (Tainoa)
Ross T. Bell- Clinidium curvicosta
- Clinidium chevrolati
- Clinidium darlingtoni
- Clinidium xenopodium
Tainoa is a small subgenus with four species endemic to the Greater Antilles, although absent from Puerto Rico.Characteristics
The antennal stylet is long and acuminate. Tufts are present on antennal segments VI-X. There are two or three temporal setae. The orbital groove is present and abbreviated posteriorly. The marginal groove of the pronotum is single. The angular seta and one or more marginal setae are present.

Clinidium (Tainoa) xenopodium. (A) Dorsal aspect of head and pronotum. (B) Dorsal aspect of left elytron.
Modified from Bell and Bell (1985). Copyright © 1985 Ross T. Bell and Joyce R. Bell.
The elytral striation is strongly reduced: the parasutural stria is fused with the intercalary anteriorly, and the distal part appears as a branch from the intercalary. The female has an enlarged lateral pit on sternum IV. Sternum VI has two pairs of oblique impressions. The cleaning organ of the front tibia is enlarged and entirely proximad to the base of the tarsus. The male's anterior trochanter carries a tooth, but the femur is without a ventral tooth. The body is strongly elongate.
Bell, R. T. and J. R. Bell. 1985. Rhysodini of the World Part IV. Revisions of Rhyzodiastes and Clinidium, with new species in other genera (Coleoptera: Carabidae or Rhysodidae). Quaestiones Entomologicae 21(1): 1-172.
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Ross T. Bell
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USA
Page copyright © 2000 Ross T. Bell
All Rights Reserved.
- First online 01 March 2000
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Bell, Ross T. 2000. Clinidium (Tainoa). Version 01 March 2000 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,