Yanbiania wangqingica
Guo-Qing Li and Mark V. H. Wilson
†Yanbiania was found in the Early Cretaceous Oil-bearing Member of the Dalazi Formation, Luozigou Basin, northeastern China (Li, 1987, 1997). Recent collecting in the same stratum of deposition, Luozigou Basin, yielded specimens of †Yanbiania wangqingica, †Sinamia luozigouensis Li, 1984 (a Late Mesozoic amiiform), †Manchurichthys uwatokoi Saito, 1936 (a primitive euteleost possibly related to salmoniform fishes, Chang and Liu, 1977), and at least one semionotiform species (under study). Associated with them are mussel-shrimp †Cyprois, and plants in the genera †Pseudofrenelopsis and †Ruffordia.
This fossil hiodontiform differs from all other genera in the order in the following features:
- Large parietal bone with an "r-shaped" groove posteriorly on its dorsal surface.
- Postero-ventral corner of preopercular bone protruding backwards with its margin split comb-like.
- 44-46 vertebrae.
- Dorsal and anal fins approximately equal in size and similar in shape.
- Absence of neural spine on first ural centrum.
- Body length to body depth ratio 3.5 - 4.2.
- Head length to head depth ratio 1.2.
- Predorsal length to body length ratio 0.6 - 0.7.
Chang, M.-M. and Liu, C.-C. 1977. Two primitive euteleostei - Manchurichthys and Sungarichthys. Vert. PalAsiatica 15: 184-193. (In Chinese)
Li, G.-Q. 1984. Discovery of Sinamia from east Jilin. Vert. PalAsiatica 22: 145-150. (In Chinese with Engl. abstr.)
Li, G.-Q. 1987. A new genus of Hiodontidae from Luozigou Basin, east Jilin. Vert. PalAsit., 25: 91-107. (In Chinese with English abstract)
Li, G.-Q. 1997. Notes on the historical biogeography of the Osteoglossomorpha (Teleostei). In: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress. VSP International Science Publishers, Zeist, The Netherlands: 54-66.
Saito, K. (1936): Mesozoic leptolepid fishes from Jehol and Chientao, Manchuria. -Rep. 1st Scient. Exped. Manch., sec. 2: 1-23.
About This Page
Guo-Qing Li
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , China
Mark V. H. Wilson
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Guo-Qing Li at
and Mark V. H. Wilson at
Page copyright © 1998 Guo-Qing Li and Mark V. H. Wilson
All Rights Reserved.
- First online 06 October 1998
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Li, Guo-Qing and Mark V. H. Wilson. 1998. Yanbiania. Yanbiania wangqingica. Version 06 October 1998. http://tolweb.org/Yanbiania_wangqingica/15136/1998.10.06 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/