
Onychoteuthis meridiopacifica: Description Continued

Richard E. Young, Michael Vecchione, and Kotaro Tsuchiya
  1. Arms
    1. Length subequal but with arms I slightly smaller; 27-44% of ML.
    2. About 50-60 suckers on each arm. 
    3. Inner sucker rings smooth.
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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure. Side view of arm suckers of O. meridiopacifica. Drawings from Rancurel, 1970.

  2. Head
    1. 8-12 occipital folds are present on each side. The illustration shows 10 folds including the upper one that is barely visible in this drawing. Note the olfactory organ on fold no. 2 from the ventral end.
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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure. Side-view of head of O. meridiopacifica showing occipital folds. Drawing from Rancurel, 1970.

    3. Radula
      1. Marginal tooth very long relative to rhachidian tooth and very curved. 
      2. Rachidian tooth with small lateral cusps.
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        Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

        Figure. Radular teeth of O. meridiopacifica in a transverse row. Drawing modified from Rancurel, 1970.

  3. Fins
    1. Fin length 40-50% of ML.
    2. Fin width 70-90% of ML.
    3. Apical fin angle 120-140°.
  4. Gladius
    1. The gladius with solid dorsal keel.
    2. Conus with flared ventral margin.
    3. Rostrum a small flap arising from the posterior end of the keel.
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      Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window

      Figure. Various aspects of the gladius of O. meridiopacifica. Top - Side and ventral views of gladius. Bottom left- Ventral view of the conus and rostrum. Bottom middle - Cross-section of gladius. Bottom right - Side view of gladius conus and rostrum. All drawings from Rancurel (1970).

  5. Measurements
    Specimen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  
    Sex Male Male Fem. Male Fem. Fem. Fem. Fem. Fem. Male Mean
    Mantle length, mm 61 52 43 62 56 51 45 42 55 63  
    Mantle width, %ML 30 32 35 31 34 38 32 33 28 28 31.9
    Fin length, %ML 43 46 48 45 42 45 42 45 41 46 44.3
    Fin width, %ML 86 90 90 75 86 81 80 87 73 84 83.2
    Head width, %ML 22 26 24 21 21 26 21 23 25 22 23.0
    Arm I, length, mm 33 27 31 36 28 31 30 31 27 34 30.7
    Arm II, length, mm 35 38 35 37 34 37 33 37 32 39 35.7
    Arm III, length, mm 34 37 37 40 34 38 36 36 33 40 36.4
    Arm IV, length, mm 35 39 32 39 38 34 33 33 37 44 36.1
    Tentacle length, %ML 54 73 58 53 60 53 55 53 50 58 56.7
    Tentacle club, %ML 24 23 25 21 22 22 22 22 20 20 22.0
    Hook count 16 17 17 19 18 18 17 18 18 18  
    These measurements and counts are from Rancurel and Okutani, 1990. Most of the figures have been rounded to the nearest whole number.


This description is from Rancurel (1970) and Rancurel and Okutani (1990).


Rancurel, P. 1970. Les contenus stomacuax d'Alepisaurus ferox dans le Sud-ouest Pacifique (céphalopodes). Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., ser. Océanogr., 8: 3-87.

Rancurel, P. and T. Okutani. 1990. A new species of squid genus Onychoteuthis from the Southwest Pacific. Venus, 49: 25-30.

About This Page

Richard E. Young
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

Michael Vecchione
National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. , USA

Kotaro Tsuchiya
Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan

Page: Tree of Life Onychoteuthis meridiopacifica: Description Continued Authored by Richard E. Young, Michael Vecchione, and Kotaro Tsuchiya. The TEXT of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License - Version 3.0. Note that images and other media featured on this page are each governed by their own license, and they may or may not be available for reuse. Click on an image or a media link to access the media data window, which provides the relevant licensing information. For the general terms and conditions of ToL material reuse and redistribution, please see the Tree of Life Copyright Policies.

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