
Taxa Associated with the Family Mastigoteuthidae Verrill, 1881

Michael J. Sweeney and Richard E. Young

(data as of June 2002)

Nominal Genus-Level Taxa

Chiroteuthoides Berry, 1920:293.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Larval mastigoteuthid [fide Young (1992:182)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Chiroteuthoides hastula Berry, 1920 by original designation

Chiroteuthopsis Pfeffer, 1900:187.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Mastigoteuthis Verrill, 1881 [fide Sasaki (1929:310)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Chiroteuthis grimaldii Joubin, 1895 by monotypy

Echinoteuthis Joubin, 1933:13.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Mastigoteuthis [fide Salcedo-Vargas (1997)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Echinoteuthis danae Joubin, 1933 by monotypy

Idioteuthis Sasaki, 1916:108.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Salcedo-Vargas and Okutani (1994:124)]; uncertain status [fide ToL]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Idioteuthis latipinna Sasaki, 1916 by monotypy

(Magnoteuthis) Salcedo-Vargas and Okutani, 1994:125.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Mastigoteuthis Verrill, 1881 [fide Salcedo-Vargas (1997:107)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Mastigoteuthis magna Joubin, 1913 by original designation

(Mastigopsis) Grimpe, 1922:50.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Idioteuthis Sasaki, 1916 [fide Salcedo-Vargas (1997:97)]; uncertain status [fide ToL]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Mastigoteuthis hjorti Chun, 1913 by monotypy

Mastigoteuthis Verrill, 1881:100.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Hoyle (1910:411)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Mastigoteuthis agassizii Verrill, 1881 by monotypy

Nominal Species-Level Taxa (As Introduced Binomial)

Mastigoteuthis agassizii Verrill, 1881:100, pls 1-2.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987:255)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Syntypes 574642 and 729733 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:3)]; YPM (beaks) [fide G.L. Voss, pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 33°35'N, 76°00'W and 34°28'N, 75°22'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Mastigoteuthis glaukopsis atlantica Joubin, 1933:20, figs 18-21.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Mastigoteuthis atlantica [fide Nesis (1987:255)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Holotype [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:220)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 46°28'N, 8°01'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Mastigoteuthis cordiformis Chun, 1908:88.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Mastigoteuthis cordiformis [fide ToL] = Idioteuthis cordiformis [fide Salcedo-Vargas (1997:107)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMB Holotype Moll.-110006 [fide Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000:273)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 0°15'N, 98°08'E, Nias Island, Sumatra, Indonesia [fide Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000:273)]
Mastigoteuthis danae (Joubin, 1933): 13, figs. 10-17.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Salcedo-Vargas, 1997]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 34° N 33° W (Atl. O.)

Mastigoteuthis dentata Hoyle, 1904:34, pl 6 figs 8-11.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Young (1972:66)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Lectotype 574643 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:6)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 7°21'N, 79°35'W (Pacific Ocean)

Chiroteuthis famelica Berry, 1909:414, fig 8.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Mastigoteuthis famelica [fide Young (1992:182)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 214314; specimen not extant [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:13)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Kauai Island, Hawaiian Islands

Mastigoteuthis flammea Chun, 1908:88.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Young (1972:67)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMB Lectotype Moll.-110011 [fide Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000:274)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Benguela Current, 0°25'N, 7°0'E (Atlantic Ocean)

Mastigoteuthis glaukopsis Chun, 1908:88.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Young (1972:67)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMB Holotype Moll.-110016 [fide Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000:275)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 4°63'N, 48°37'E (Indian Ocean) [fide Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000:275)]

Chiroteuthis grimaldii Joubin, 1895:38, pls 3-5.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Mastigoteuthis grimaldii [fide Salcedo-Vargas (1997:107)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MOM Holotype [station 220] [fide Belloc (1950:7)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Corvo Island, Azores Islands

Chiroteuthoides hastula Berry, 1920:293, pl 16 fig 3.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Mastigoteuthis sp. [fide Young (1992:182)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 338693 [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:14)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 28°59'N, 69°22'W (Sargasso Sea)

Mastigoteuthis hjorti Chun, 1913:8, text-fig 1, pl 2 fig 1.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Mastigoteuthis hjorti [fide ToL] = Idioteuthis hjorti [fide Salcedo-Vargas (1997:107)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- North Atlantic, various localities

Mastigoteuthis inermis Rancurel, 1972:25, figs 1-5.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Young (1992:178)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Type repository unresolved; MNHN? [fide C.C. Lu (pers. comm., Jan. 2000)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Mastigoteuthis iselini MacDonald and Clench, 1934:150, figs 5, 7-9.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Salcedo-Vargas (1997:107)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MCZ Holotype 98967
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 39°04'N, 71°29'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Idioteuthis latipinna Sasaki, 1916:108, pl 3.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Salcedo-Vargas (1997:97)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MSUT[TIU] Holotype; specimen not extant [fide Unresolved]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Outside the Okinose bank, Sagami Sea, Japan

Mastigoteuthis levimana Lonnberg, 1896:605.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Planctoteuthis levimana [fide Young (1992:183)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUU Holotype 343 [fide Wallin (1991:66)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 43°30'N, 24°30'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Mastigoteuthis magna Joubin, 1913:2, fig 1.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987:257)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MOM Holotype [station 2108] [fide Belloc (1950:8)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Sargasso Sea, 31°44'30"N, 42°39'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Mastigoteuthis okutani (Salcedo-Vargas, 1997): 101, figs. 4a-d.

TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMA Holotype [fide Salcedo-Vargas, 1997]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Coast of Somalia

Mastigoteuthis psychrophila Nesis, 1977:835, text-figs a-e.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987:252)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 59°25'-59°30'S, 158°36'-158°29'E (Pacific Ocean)

Mastigoteuthis pyrodes Young, 1972:64, pls 25, 26i-q.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987:252)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- SBMNH Holotype 34983 [fide Scott et al. (1990:20)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 33°32'N, 118°23'W, eastern North Pacific Ocean

Mastigoteuthis schmidti Degner, 1925:50, fig 37.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Young (1972:68)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Holotype [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:224)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 46°30'N, 07°00'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Chiroteuthopsis talismani Fischer and Joubin, 1907:342, pl 25 figs 1-4.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Familial relationships unknown [fide ToL] = Mastigoteuthis talismani [fide Nesis (1987:255)].
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype 7-3-1949 [fide Lu et al. (1995:325)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 34°46'N, 36°11'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Mastigoteuthis tyroi (Salcedo-Vargas, 1997): 99, fig. 3e-h.

TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMA Holotype [fide Salcedo-Vargas, 1997]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Coast of Somalia

Type Repositories

MCZ- Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

MNHN-Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire Biologie Invertebres Marins et Malacologie, 55, rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris 05, France. [For type catalog see Lu et al. (1995)]

MOM- Musée Océanographique, Avenue Saint-Martin, Monaco-Ville, MC 98000, Monaco. [For type catalog see Belloc (1950)]

MSUT-University Museum, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyoku, Tokyo 113, Japan (includes former Tokyo Imperial University (TIU) collection and University of Tokyo Department of Fisheries (FUMT) collection).

NMNH-National Museum of Natural History, 10th & Constitution Avenue, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A. (formerly USNM). [For type catalog see Roper and Sweeney (1978); Sweeney et al. (1988)]

SBMNH-Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105, U.S.A. [For type catalog see Scott et al. (1990)]

YPM- Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 170 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520, U.S.A.

ZIN- Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya Nab. 1, St. Petersburg 199164, Russia.

ZMB- Zoologisches Museum, Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat, Invalidenstrasse 43, D-1040 Berlin, Germany. [For type catalog see Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000)]

ZMUB-Zoological Museum, Universitetet i Bergen, Museplass 3, 5000 Bergen, Norway.

ZMUC-Kobenhavns Universitet, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. [For type catalog see Kristensen and Knudsen (1983); See also Volsoe et al. (1962) for Steenstrup papers]

ZMUU-Zoologiska Museet, Uppsala Universitets, Villavagen 9, S-751 22 Uppsala, Sweden. [For type catalog see Wallin (1991)]


Belloc, G. 1950. Catalogue des types de Céphalopodes du Musée Océanographique de Monaco. Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique, 970:1-10.

Berry, S.S. 1909. Diagnosis of new cephalopods from the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 37(1713):407-419, 9 figures.

Berry, S.S. 1920. Preliminary diagnosis of new cephalopods from the western Atlantic. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 58(2335):293-300, 1 plate.

Chun, C. 1908. Uber Cephalopoden der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 33(2):86-89.

Chun, C. 1913. Cephalopoda. Report on the scientific results of the "Michael Sars" North Atlantic Deep-sea Expedition 1910, 3(1):1-28, 11 figures, 2 plates.

Degner, E. 1925. Cephalopoda. Report on the Danish Oceanographical Expeditions 1908-10 to the Mediterranean and Adjacent Seas, 2(9):1-94, 52 figures.

Fischer, H., and L. Joubin. 1907. Céphalopodes. Expeditions Scientifiques du "Travailleur" et du "Talisman", 8:313-353.

Glaubrecht, M. and M.A. Salcedo-Vargas. 2000. Annotated type catalogue of the Cephalopoda (Mollusca) in the Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt University of Berlin. Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fur Naturkunde Berlin, Zoologischen, 76(2):269-282.

Grimpe, G. 1922. Systematische Übersicht der europäischen Cephalopoden. Sitzungsberichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig, 45:36-52.

Hoyle, W.E. 1904. Reports on the Cephalopoda. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, 43(1):1-72, 12 plates.

Hoyle, W.E. 1910. A list of the generic names of Dibranchiate Cephalopoda with their type species. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 32:407-413.

Joubin, L. 1895. Contribution a l'Estude des Céphalopodes de l'Atlantique Nord. Résultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur yacht par Albert I Prince souverain de Monaco, 9:1-63, 6 plates.

Joubin, L. 1913. Estudes préliminaires sur les Céphalopodes recueillis au cours des croisières de S.A.S. le Prince de Monaco. 3e Note: Mastigoteuthis magna nov. sp. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique, 275:1-11, 1 figure.

Joubin, L. 1933. Notes préliminaires sur les Céphalopodes des croisières du DANA (1921-1922), 4e Partie. Annals de l'Institut Océanographiques, 13(1):1-49, 48 figures.

Kristensen, T.K. and J. Knudsen. 1983. A catalogue of the type specimens of Cephalopoda (Mollusca) in the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Steenstrupia, 9(10):217-227.

Lönnberg, E. 1896. Notes on some rare cephalopoda. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar, 53(8):603-612, 4 figures.

Lu, C.C., R. Boucher-Rodoni and A. Tillier. 1995. Catalogue of types of recent Cephalopoda in the Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle (France). Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, (series 4)17(3-4):307-343.

MacDonald, R. and W.J. Clench. 1934. Descriptions of a new genus and two new species of squids from the North Atlantic. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, 8:145-152, 9 figures.

Nesis, K.N. 1977. Mastigoteuthis psychophila sp. n. (Cephalopoda, Mastigoteuthidae) from the Southern Ocean. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 56(6):835-842. [In Russian]

Nesis, K.N. 1987. Cephalopods of the World; Squids, cuttlefishes, Octopuses, and Allies. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, NJ, USA, 351 pages.

Pfeffer, G. 1900. Synopsis der oegopsiden Cephalopoden. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum Hamburg, 17(2):147-198.

Rancurel, P. 1972. Mastigoteuthis inermis espèces nouvelle de Chiroteuthidae du Golfe de Guinee (Cephalopoda - Oegopsida). Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 97(1):25-34, 5 figures.

Roper, C.F.E. and M.J. Sweeney. 1978. A catalog of the type-specimens of Recent Cephalopoda in the National Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 278:1-19.

Salcedo-Vargas, M.A. 1997. Cephalopods from the Netherlands Indian Ocean Programme (NIOP)-II. Mastigoteuthid lineage and related forms. Beaufortia, 47(3):91-108, 6 figures.

Salcedo-Vargas, M.A. and T. Okutani. 1994. New classification of the squid family Mastigoteuthidae (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida). Venus, 53(2):119-127, 6 figures.

Sasaki, M. 1916. Notes on oegopsid cephalopods found in Japan. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, 9(2):89-120, 1 plate.

Sasaki, M. 1929. A monograph of the dibranchiate cephalopods of the Japanese and adjacent waters. Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, 20(supplement):1-357, 159 figures, 30 plates.

Scott, P.H., F.G. Hochberg and B. Roth. 1990. Catalog of Recent and fossil molluscan types in the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. I. Caudofoveata, Polyplacophora, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda and Cephalopoda. The Veliger, 33(Suppl. 1):1-27.

Sweeney, M.J., C.F.E. Roper, and F.G. Hochberg. 1988. Catalog of the type specimens of Recent Cephalopoda described by S. Stillman Berry. Malacologia, 29(1):7-19.

Verrill, A.E. 1881. Report on the cephalopods, and some additional species dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer "Fish Hawk," during the season of 1880. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 8(5):99-116, 8 plates.

Volsoe, A., J. Knudsen and W. Rees. 1962. The cephalopod papers of Japetus Steenstrup; a translation into English. Danish Science Press, Copenhagen, 330 pages.

Wallin, L. 1991. Catalogue of type specimens. 2. General Zoology. Uppsala University Zoological Museum, 80 pages.

Young, R.E. 1972. The systematics and areal distribution of pelagic cephalopods from the seas off southern California. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 97:1-159, 15 figures, 38 plates.

Young, R.E. 1992. Chiroteuthid and related paralarvae from Hawaiian waters. Bulletin of Marine Science, 49(1-2)(1991):162-185. [Published 27 January 1992]

About This Page

Michael J. Sweeney

Richard E. Young
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

All Rights Reserved.

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